Final Written Self-Reflection

Chapter 11: Professionalism at work: Business etiquette, Ethics, Teamwork, and Meetings


Ch. 11 / Slide 2

Build your credibility and gain a competitive advantage by developing professionalism, an ethical mind-set, and business etiquette skills.
Learning Outcome 1
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Developing Professionalism
and Personal Credibility

What is professionalism?
Ch. 11 / Slide 3



Social intelligence

and dining

Soft skills
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Ch. 11 / Slide 4

Six Dimensions
of Professional Behavior
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Appearance / Appeal

Tolerance / Tact

Honesty / Ethics

Reliability / Diligence

Collegiality / Sharing

Courtesy / Respect


Professionalism Leads to Success

Good manners and a businesslike, professional demeanor are among the top soft skills that employers seek in job candidates.
Projecting and maintaining a professional image can make a real difference in helping you obtain and keep the job of your dreams.
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Ch. 11 / Slide 5


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Ch. 11 / Slide 6
Gaining an Etiquette Edge

Use polite words.

Express sincere appreciation and praise.

Be selective
in sharing personal information.

Don’t put people down.

Respect coworkers’ space.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 7
Gaining an Etiquette Edge

Rise above others’ rudeness.

Be considerate when sharing space and equipment.

Choose the high road in conflict.

Disagree agreeably.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 8
Learning Outcome 2

Use your voice as a communication tool, master face-to-face workplace interaction, foster positive relations on the job, and accept as well as provide constructive criticism gracefully.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 9
Media Richness and
Communication Effectiveness


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Ch. 11 / Slide 10
Your Voice
Is a Communication Tool
Improve your


Work on your
voice quality.

Master emphasis;
combat verbal tics.

Adjust your
volume and rate.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 11
Your Voice
Is a Communication Tool
Improve your

et cetera – not excetera
supposedly – not supposably
library – not li-berry
going to – not gonna


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Ch. 11 / Slide 12
Your Voice
Is a Communication Tool
Work on your
voice quality.

Record yourself:
Do you sound enthusiastic, friendly, alert, happy, and positive?
Avoid vocal fry, a creaky, raspy sound at the end of drawn-out sentences.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 13
Your Voice
Is a Communication Tool
your pitch.

Avoid a flat, monotone voice.
Let your voice rise and fall in
conversational tones.
Practice to use a relaxed, controlled,
well-pitched voice.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 14
Your Voice
Is a Communication Tool
Adjust your
volume and rate.

Speak as loudly or softly as the occasion demands. Don’t make your listeners strain to hear you. (volume)
Don’t speak too rapidly or too slowly. (rate)


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Ch. 11 / Slide 15
Your Voice
Is a Communication Tool
Master emphasis;
combat verbal tics.

By emphasizing certain words, you can change the meaning you are expressing.
To sound confident and competent, avoid verbal fillers and uptalk, a rising inflection making every sentence sound like a question.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 16
Making Workplace
Conversation Matter

Give sincere and specific praise.

Use correct names and titles.

Act professionally in social situations.

Choose appropriate topics.

Listen to learn.

Avoid negative remarks.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 17
Receiving Workplace
Criticism Gracefully
Listen without interrupting.
Paraphrase what was said.
Acknowledge what you are hearing.
“I understand you have a concern.”
Determine the speaker’s intent.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 18
Receiving Workplace
Criticism Gracefully
Ask for more information if necessary.
Look for a middle position.
Disagree respectfully and constructively—
if you feel the comments are unfair.
Agree—if the comments are accurate.
Learn from criticism.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 19
Providing Constructive
Criticism on the Job
Be specific.
Avoid broad generalizations.
Mentally outline your conversation.
When possible, communicate
Focus on improvement.

Offer to help.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 20
Providing Constructive
Criticism on the Job
Discuss the behavior, not the person.
Avoid anger, sarcasm, and a raised voice.
two-way communication.
Keep it private.
Use the word we rather than you.


Ch. 11 / Slide 21
Practice professional telephone skills and polish your voice mail etiquette.

Learning Outcome 3
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Ch. 11 / Slide 22
Making Telephone Calls Professionally

Plan a mini-agenda.
Use a three-point introduction (call the person by name,
identify yourself, give a brief reason for calling).
Be brisk if you are rushed.
Be cheerful and accurate.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 23
Making Telephone Calls Professionally

Be professional and courteous.
End the call politely.
Avoid telephone tag.
Leave complete voice mail messages.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 24
Receiving Telephone Calls Professionally
Identify yourself immediately.
Be responsive and helpful.
Practice telephone confidentiality.

Answer promptly and courteously.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 25
Receiving Telephone Calls Professionally

Explain what you are doing when transferring calls.
Take messages carefully.
Leave the line respectfully.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 26
Using Smartphones for Business
Take only urgent calls; avoid being disruptive.
Be courteous to those around you.
Speak in low, conversational tones.
Observe wireless-free quiet areas.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 27
Using Smartphones for Business
Drive now,
talk later.
Don’t text and drive; pull over.
Choose a professional ringtone.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 28
Making the Best Use
of Voice Mail

Don’t use voice mail to avoid taking calls.

Prepare a professional, concise, friendly greeting.

Respond to messages promptly.

Plan for vacations and other extended absences.
On the receiver’s end:

Test your message.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 29
Making the Best Use
of Voice Mail

Be prepared to
leave a message.

Leave a concise,
thorough message.

Speak slowly and articulate.

Be careful with
confidential information.
On the caller’s end:

Use a courteous tone.


Learning Outcome 4
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Ch. 11 / Slide 30
Understand the importance of teamwork in today’s digital era workplace, and explain how you can contribute positively to team performance.

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Ch. 11 / Slide 31
Why Form Teams?

Better decisions
Less resistance to change
Faster responses
Improved employee morale
Increased productivity
Greater -in
Reduced risks


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Ch. 11 / Slide 32
The Four Phases of Team Development
Select members.
Become acquainted.
Build trust.
collaborative culture.


Discuss alternatives.
Evaluate outcomes.
Apply criteria.
Prioritize alternatives.


Identify problems.
Collect and share information.
Establish decision criteria.
Prioritize goals.

Select alternative.
Analyze effects.
Implement plan.
Manage project.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 33
Collaborating in Virtual Teams
Collaborate with coworkers in other cities and countries.
Coordinate tasks across time and geographic zones.
Participate and collaborate locally.
Accomplish shared tasks without
face-to-face contact.
Pool expertise from various, diverse contributors.


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Ch. 11 / Slide 34
Positive Team Behavior


Setting rules and abiding by them

Analyzing tasks and defining problems

Contributing information and ideas

Showing interest and listening actively

Encouraging members to participate


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Ch. 11 / Slide 35
Negative Team Behavior

Blocking the ideas of others

Insulting and criticizing others

Wasting the group’s time

Making improper jokes and comments

Failing to stay on task

Withdrawing, failing to participate


Ch. 11 / Slide 36
Defining Successful Teams

Confront conflict.

Collaborate rather than compete.

Communicate effectively.

Agree on purpose and procedures.

Accept ethical responsi-

Stay small and embrace diversity.

Share leadership.

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Ch. 11 / Slide 37
Six Steps for
Dealing With Conflict



Understand other points of view
Show you care about the relationship


Look for common ground


Invent new problem-solving options


Reach an agreement based on what is fair

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Learning Outcome 5
Ch. 11 / Slide 38
Discuss effective practices
and technologies for planning and participating in productive face-to-face meetings and virtual meetings.
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Ch. 11 / Slide 39
Planning and Participating in
Face-to-Face and Virtual Meetings

Meetings are disliked, but they can be career-critical.
Judgments are formed and careers are made or blunted.

Meetings are opportunities
to demonstrate leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.
Meetings: Time Wasters or Opportunities?
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Ch. 11 / Slide 40
Planning a Productive Meeting
Meet only when the topic demands a rich medium because it is important and requires an exchange of ideas.

Determine the purpose
of the meeting.
Decide how and
where to meet.
Invite the right people.
Distribute an agenda.
Train participants on technology.
Use a digital calendar for scheduling.
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Ch. 11 / Slide 41
Managing the Meeting

Encourage participation.
Start on time; review agenda
and ground rules.

Appoint a secretary and a rec .

Summarize along the way.

Confront conflict frankly.

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Ch. 11 / Slide 42
Ending the Meeting and
Following Up
Review meeting decisions, tasks, and deadlines.
Distribute minutes of
Follow up to remind participants of action items.
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Ch. 11 / Slide 43
Virtual Meetings

Well-run virtual teams can be highly productive and outperform
co-located teams.
Real-time gatherings of dispersed participants
Audioconferences using telephones or videoconferences using the Internet
Purposes: training,
sales presentations,
team activities,
talking to customers
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Ch. 11 / Slide 44
Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

Explain how questions may be asked and answered.
Select the best technology; train participants, if needed.
Encourage participants to log in 15 minutes early.
Be aware of different time zones; rotate meeting time.
Decide what language to use.
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Ch. 11 / Slide 45
Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

Manage turn-taking; humanize virtual meetings.
Ensure it’s clear who is speaking in audio-conferences.
Silence all electronic alerts and alarms.
Don’t multi-task; give your full attention.
Be precise; speak simply; sound upbeat.
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Chapter 11: Professionalism at work: Business etiquette, Ethics, Teamwork, and Meetings
Ch. 11 / Slide 46


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