
6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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Chapter 2 Trait Approach
To print your results, click the “Print Survey” button toward end of the questionnaire. If
you are using the Bookshelf desktop application, you may also print by selecting “File”
then “Print”. Your results will be saved each time you log off. To save your results to a
file, click “Print Survey” then select the option in the “Print” dialog box to save the
pages as a PDF.

Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ)

Instructions: The purpose of this questionnaire is to measure personal characteristics of
leadership. The questionnaire should be completed by the leader and five people
who are familiar with the leader. Make five copies of this questionnaire. This
questionnaire should be completed by you and five people you know (e.g.,
roommates, coworkers, relatives, friends).

Using the following scale, have each individual indicate the degree to which he or
she agrees or disagrees with each of the 14 statements below. Do not forget to
complete one for yourself.


The leader is

Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly agree

DisagreeDisagree DisagreeDisagree NeutralNeutral AgreeAgree


1. Articulate: Communicates
effectively with others

1 2 3 4 5

2. Perceptive: Is discerning and

1 2 3 4 5

3. Self-confident: Believes in
himself/herself and his/her

1 2 3 4 5

4. Self-assured: Is secure with
self, free of doubts

1 2 3 4 5

5. Persistent: Stays fixed on the
goals, despite interference

1 2 3 4 5

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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1. Enter the responses for Raters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the appropriate columns.

2. For each of the 14 items, the average for the five raters appears in the “average
rating” column.

3. Your own scores appear in the “self-rating” column.

Leadership Traits Questionnaire Ratings

The leader is

6. Determined: Takes a firm
stand, acts with certainty

1 2 3 4 5

7. Trustworthy: Is authentic and
inspires confidence

1 2 3 4 5

8. Dependable: Is consistent
and reliable

1 2 3 4 5

9. Friendly: Shows kindness and

1 2 3 4 5

10. Outgoing: Talks freely, gets
along well with others

1 2 3 4 5

11. Conscientious: Is thorough,
organized, and controlled

1 2 3 4 5

12. Diligent: Is persistent,

1 2 3 4 5

13. Sensitive: Shows tolerance,
is tactful and sympathetic

1 2 3 4 5

14. Empathic: Understands
others, identifies with others

1 2 3 4 5

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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Scoring Interpretation








1. Articulate 4 4 5 5 3 4.2 4

2. Perceptive 4 4 5 4 3 4 4

3. Self-confident 4 5 5 5 4 4.6 5

4. Self-assured 5 4 5 5 4 4.6 5

5. Persistent 4 5 5 4 4 4.4 4

6. Determined 4 3 4 5 4 4 4

7. Trustworthy 5 3 5 4 4 4.2 4

8. Dependable 5 5 4 4 3 4.2 4

9. Friendly 5 5 5 4 5 4.8 5

10. Outgoing 5 5 3 3 5 4.2 4


5 5 5 5 4 4.8 5

12. Diligent 4 4 4 4 4 4 5

13. Sensitive 5 4 5 5 5 4.8 4

14. Empathic 4 4 4 5 4 4.2 4

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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The scores you received on the LTQ provide information about how you see yourself
and how others see you as a leader. The chart allows you to see where your
perceptions are the same as those of others and where they differ.

The example ratings show how the leader self-rated higher than the observers did on
the characteristic articulate. On the second characteristic, perceptive, the leader
self-rated substantially higher than others. On the self-confident characteristic, the
leader self-rated quite close to others’ ratings but lower. There are no best ratings on
this questionnaire. The purpose of the instrument is to give you a way to assess your
strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate areas where your perceptions are
congruent with those of others and where there are discrepancies.

Research has not yet proven conclusively whether traits are inborn or can be learned.
But no matter how they become established, they are hard to change, and learning
to behave differently by using qualities that don’t come naturally can be difficult for
many people. It helps to make the task of changing more manageable by moving
step by step toward real and lasting transformation rather than setting yourself up for
disappointment by hoping “a new you” will happen instantly and permanently. Try to
identify (a) your areas of strength and weakness, and spend some time assessing (b)
whether you see yourself in a leadership role as others do. This process is not a test, nor
is it meant to be a form of self-criticism. Also, keep in mind, a bias may exist from those
rating you. A low or moderate score on a given trait may simply indicate that you
haven’t had the chance to develop this part of your personality or stretch beyond
your comfort zone. A low score may also indicate that those rating you have not
adequately observed these traits. Your work or school setting might not even call on
you to exercise this trait. In contrast, a high score likely suggests you are aware of
what it takes to be a leader and have the opportunity to step into that role more
often, developing and refining the trait through practice.


Articulate people communicate effectively with others. They choose words carefully
and speak confidently. Others often look to them to help clarify issues or summarize
what a group is thinking. Perceptive people are discerning and insightful. They are
able to “read” people’s verbal and nonverbal cues (such as crossed arms or low eye-
contact) to understand the full meaning of a message. This helps them to sense a
group or organizational climate and respond appropriately. To improve your
communication capabilities, consider the following suggestions:

Suggestions for Improving Your LeadershipSuggestions for Improving Your Leadership

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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First, reflect on your areas of expertise and determine if any patterns emerge.
Practice describing your expertise to a close friend and then engage in a
discussion with that friend. Discussing your areas of expertise can develop
your ability to articulate inner thoughts.
As a student, try being the first student to ask a question or offer a thoughtful
opinion during class discussion. Practice asking questions and sharing your
opinion in group settings. The more you practice, the more comfortable you
will become expressing your ideas.
During group discussions, mentally summarize the comments of other
speakers. What do their ideas have in common? Where do they disagree?
What issues haven’t they touched on yet? Then share your insight verbally at
an appropriate time in the meeting or class.
Volunteer to lead a group to accomplish a task or achieve a goal, such as
leading class discussion on an assigned reading, or doing outside research on
a topic. This will allow you to practice giving instructions and explaining what
a successful outcome will look like for your group.
Practice noticing three new things about every room you live or work in. Use
all your five senses.
Do you know anyone who always seems to know what you are thinking or
what you need? Ask them how they learned to perceive people and
situations so well in to further develop your own ability to understand
your surroundings.
Avoid assuming you know what another person is thinking or feeling. Keep an
open mind to all possibilities and try not to develop “tunnel vision” when
perceiving others. Check your perception with others for accuracy.
Engage in discussions with others regarding current issues and events. Focus
on listening and understanding their perspective to better form your own
position on the issue.


Self-confident people believe in themselves and their abilities. They may have
received affirmation throughout their lives from parents, teachers, and significant
others. Past successes in school or work may also lead them to have more positive
expectations regarding future outcomes. Self-assured people are secure with
themselves and free of major doubts about their worth. This essential self-acceptance
frees them to act authentically in most situations while remaining humble.

People continually evolve as they experience new relationships and situations.
Through our interactions with others we get a sense of how valuable we are (or not),

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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what is expected of us, and how they see us. In to become our best selves it’s
important to have relationships with people who are both affirming of us and honest,
while limiting contact with those who are demeaning. To improve your self-
confidence and self-assurance, consider the following:

Reflect on your strengths and why they are your strengths. Strengths-based
leadership fosters confidence as leaders succeed by utilizing what they do
best. Each victory brings about a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
Learn to develop thick skin in regards to hurtful comments from others. While
it’s helpful to have people gently highlight our blind spots, those who
purposely hurt others are usually insecure themselves and try to project
weakness onto others—ignore these people. Constructive feedback intends
to be helpful and is concerned about how you will receive comments.
Focus on the small victories. Select a group task or goal that you feel
confident in achieving then lead the group to success. Small victories create
a sense of accomplishment within the leader that leads to greater
confidence when facing other, more significant leadership challenges.
Reflect on one of your weaknesses and how that perceived weakness
impacts your ability to influence others. Develop two techniques or behaviors
that will compensate for that weakness then make a concerted effort to use
the technique/behavior in the next leadership situation your experience.


Persistent people stay fixed on their goals, despite interference. They are pulled
forward by a desire to achieve a certain outcome. In 1960, President Kennedy stated
that the United States would put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. In
1969, this challenge was accomplished demonstrating the persistence and
determination of our scientific community. Determined people are able to stay
focused on achieving their goals and completing tasks. They believe in the worth of
their idea or cause and follow through with appropriate action. If you scored low on
these traits, consider the following to improve your persistence and determination:

In a group setting, learn to balance maintaining relationships and completing
the assigned project as leaders must do both well. Have the group reflect
often to maintain a focus on the assigned project.
Break down projects into smaller pieces that can be completed in short
periods of time. Tackle simple projects first in to experience a small, initial
success. Small victories produce a type of leadership momentum that can
improve your persistence.

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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Seek a peer-mentor (or a mentor) who will alert you when you seem to lose
focus on completing a project or task.
Lead the group to create a strict timeline to stay focused on completing the
task or project. Timelines can create a sense of urgency and persistence.
Find projects that interest you and commit to doing them well. Most will
perform well and persistently if they are interested in achieving the desired


Trustworthy people are authentic and inspire confidence. Trustworthy and
dependable leaders do what they say they will. They get satisfaction from following
through on their commitments. To be more consistent and reliable, consider the

Do you feel overcommitted? If so, you may need to clear your calendar of
obligations and learn to say “no” to more requests for your time or start a
“stop doing” list to ensure you follow through on commitments.
Do you feel disorganized? If this is an area you struggle with, you may need
help planning tasks and setting deadlines. Seek out a highly organized
individual for advice or tips and begin a “to do list” that can help you prioritize
your time. Your campus may also offer an academic success center that can
help you develop time management and other organizational skills
Do you place your needs ahead of others’? If so, reflect on how your lack of
following through affects others. How does it impact your teammates,
teachers, or family members?
Create near, short, and long-term SMART (specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic, and time-focused) goals. Leaders tend to accomplish more goals if
they are in the SMART format.
Always consider “Walk the Talk” (Leaders Do What They Say They Will Do). This
is a great mantra that guides many leaders who take commitments seriously.
Adopting this tag line for your leadership can re-focus you to toward greater


Outgoing people talk freely and get along well with others. They are willing to
communicate across many contexts, are comfortable talking with strangers, and
have a sense of empathy. Friendly people show kindness and warmth. They are
approachable and tend to be welcoming and comfortable to be around. Nelson

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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Mandala is an example. These traits overlap with one of the big five personality
factors (extraversion) and one of the major leadership traits (sociability). They are
essential for effective leadership because a leader desires to influence others through
effective relationships to accomplish common goals. Though you may be shy, you
can learn to be more outgoing by being more self aware of this trait. To boost your
ability to reach out to others, consider the following suggestions:

Reflect on the settings that make you the most comfortable and the least
comfortable. Choose a comfortable setting and reflect on why you feel
comfortable. Rely on these thoughts when in an uncomfortable situation and
try to project positive, outgoing behaviors.
Practice giving genuine compliments to others. Among your friends, try to give
five compliments to every one criticism.
Ask others to mentor you. People generally want to help others and providing
an opportunity for others to help you can create a means to develop a
meaningful relationship.
Engage those who assessed you on this questionnaire for specific feedback
on how they rated you and why. Reflect on this information and develop
several techniques or practices to better engage other people through self-
awareness and a concerted effort to develop close relationships.


Conscientious people are thorough and well-organized. They act ethically and with a
sense of consideration for others. Mindful of details, they take their responsibilities
seriously and follow through on them. Diligent people have a heightened sense of
responsibility. They put earnest, steady effort into their tasks and enjoy seeing projects
through to completion. These traits are similar to persistence and determination but
focus more on details.

Scoring low on diligence or conscientiousness may suggest you are still learning to
take on adult responsibilities. It may reveal a lack of passion or organization, or a
mismatch between your skills at this stage in life and what’s expected of you in school
or at work. You may also focus too much on accomplishing the goal and overlook
details. As a leader it is important to know your own values and the issues you are
promoting, while simultaneously respecting your followers. Followers should not be
used as the means to an end. Beyond self-awareness, leaders also need to keep
growing and learning. To strengthen your diligence and conscientiousness, consider
the following suggestions:

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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Focus on listening to gain awareness of those around you and the issues
confronting them in their lives. Engage others in conversations that focus on
them and their well-being.
Understand what motivates you at work and ways you can stay engaged in a
Think through all the small details of a project and solicit help in identifying
details that may have been missed during the planning process
When working on a project for school or work, consider what it means to
“take it to the next level.” Can you give extra attention to spelling and word
choice in a paper? Or go “above and beyond” in giving customer service at
Reflect on a time when you were involved with a successful event or
operation. Think of the leader actions and how that leader was able to create
conditions around others to keep them motivated yet focused on the task at


Sensitive people show tolerance, are tactful, and sympathetic. They are aware of
their feelings and know how to express them without making others uncomfortable.
Sensitive people consider how others feel before acting. Because of their self- and
situational awareness, they avoid hurting or dismissing the feelings of others. To
improve your ability to understand the feelings of others and lead them
compassionately, consider the following suggestions:

If you are not aware of other people’s feelings, enlist the help of someone
who is self-aware and can advise you on the feelings of others to gain greater
Reflect on how you would like to be treated in a given situation—follow the
Golden Rule.
Create self-awareness by pausing before acting as a leader. Take time to
sense or become aware of the situation before taking action as a leader. If
you are uncertain, ask people how they are feeling and how they would
Periodically meet with a close friend or mentor and reflect/discuss how to
better understand others from past situations.

Empathetic people understand and identify with the situation of others. They know
what it’s like to “walk in someone else’s shoes.” Empathy involves self-awareness and
the ability to distinguish one’s own feelings from the feelings of others (e.g., “I’m calm

6/13/2021 Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice, 3e

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now, but Nicole is obviously upset.”). It is an aspect of emotional intelligence. To
develop your ability to empathize with others, consider the following suggestions:

Practice empathy by pausing to reflect on how another person may feel in a
particular situation (e.g., losing a job, experiencing a death in the family or
birth of a child). It may be easier to start with persons who are familiar to you,
then practice with people whose lives are quite different (e.g., in age, culture,
financial circumstance, etc.).
Pause before acting. Consider how another person experiences the world.
What is this person’s daily life like? What challenges does he or she face? How
is this individual’s life impacted by the world economy, culture, or climate
change? Better understanding how someone views a situation can influence
your actions as a leader.
Ask for advice and mentoring from someone you know has a great sense of
empathy, someone who is always advocating for others. Discuss how they
can determine how others are feeling and the mood of a situation.



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