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If Apple invests in iPhone dealerships in Asia but does not engage in distribution in the United States (Apple’s host country) then Apple’s Asian investment would be considered a(n) _____.

a. UPSTREAM VERTICAL FDIb. FPIc. HORIZONTAL FDId. DOWNSTREAM VERTICAL FDI The _____ was a multilateral agreement created in 1948 governing the international trade of goods (merchandise).

a. EUb. UNc. WTOd. GATT In the context of NTBs _____ are bureaucratic rules that make it harder to import foreign goods.a. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIESb. DEREGULATION POLICIESc. LOCAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTSd. VERS Deadweight costs are net losses that occur when _____ are imposed.a. LOCAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTSb. VOLUNTARY EXPORT RESTRAINTSc. IMPORT QUOTASd. IMPORT TARIFFS Import quotas are a type of _____.a. ANTIDUMPING DUTYb. VOLUNTARY EXPORT RESTRAINTc. NONTARIFF BARRIERd. TARIFF BARRIER A manager arguing against currency hedging would most likely argue that _____.a. CURRENCY HEDGING DECREASES STABILITY OF CASH FLOWS AND EARNINGSb. CURRENCY HEDGING IS MAINLY A PRACTICE OF VERY LARGE MNESc. CURRENCY HEDGING EATS INTO COMPANY PROFITSd. CURRENCY HEDGING LEAVES FIRMS AT THE MERCY OF THE SPOT MARKET A trade _____ is an economic condition in which a nation imports more than it exports.a. EMBARGOb. VERc. SURPLUSd. DEFICIT Knowledge spillover refers to _____.a. THE RISK ASSOCIATED WITH UNAUTHORIZED DIFFUSION OF FIRM-SPECIFIC KNOW-HOWb. A VIOLATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND IP RIGHTS SECURED BY A COPYRIGHTc. KNOWLEDGE DIFFUSED FROM ONE FIRM TO OTHERS AMONG CLOSELY LOCATED FIRMSd. THE IMPERFECT RULES GOVERNING INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS In which of the following types of economic integration systems will the establishment of a common currency be possible?a. CUSTOMS UNIONb. ECONOMIC UNIONc. FREE TRADE AREAd. COMMON MARKET NAFTA is an example of a(n) _____.a. ECONOMIC UNIONb. FREE TRADE AREAc. COMMON MARKETd. CUSTOMS UNION The bandwagon effect is an example of the way _____ directly affects foreign exchange rates.a. EXCHANGE RATE POLICYb. INVESTOR PSYCHOLOGYc. PURCHASING POWER PARITYd. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS The Euro is currently used in _____.a. ALL EUROPEAN COUNTRIESb. ALL EU MEMBER COUNTRIESc. SCHENGEN COUNTRIES ONLYd. 18 EU COUNTRIES If a firm engages in final assembly in its home operations then which of the following operations of the firm in a foreign country would be considered a downstream vertical FDI?a. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTb. COMPONENTS PROCUREMENTc. MARKETINGd. FINAL ASSEMBLY OLI advantages refer to a firm’s quest for _____via FDI.a. OLIGOPOLISTIC ADVANTAGES LAISSEZ-FAIRE ADVANTAGES AND INTRAFIRM TRADE ADVANTAGESb. OUTSOURCING ADVANTAGES LICENSING ADVANTAGES AND IMPORTING ADVANTAGESc. OWNERSHIP ADVANTAGES LOCATION ADVANTAGES AND INTERNALIZATION ADVANTAGESd. ORGANIZATION ADVANTAGES LEADERSHIP ADVANTAGES AND INNOVATION ADVANTAGES Government’s confiscation of foreign assets is known as _____.a. OBSOLESCING BARGAINSb. EXPROPRIATIONc. SUNK COSTSd. CONFLICTING INTERESTS Costs that a firm has to endure even when its investment turns out to be unsatisfactory are referred to as _____.a. SWITCHING COSTSb. REPLACEMENT COSTSc. COST OVERRUNSd. SUNK COSTS A _____ is the price of one currency such as the dollar in terms of another such as the euro.a. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATEb. COMMODITIES EXCHANGE RATEc. STOCK EXCHANGE INDEXd. SECURITIES MARKET RATE In Round Two of FDI negotiation process between MNEs and host governments _____.a. THE PREVIOUS DEAL BECOMES OBSOLETEb. THE MNE IS NOT WILLING TO ENTER IN THE ABSENCE OF SOME GOVERNMENT ASSURANCEc. THE GOVERNMENT MAY DEMAND RENEGOTIATIONS OF THE DEALd. THE MNE ENTERS THE HOST MARKET AND EARNS PROFITS By trying to be self-sufficient and producing a wide range of goods _____ policies reduce the wealth of a nation in the long run.a. ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGEb. LAISSEZ FAIREc. FREE TRADEd. MERCANTILIST FPI refers to the _____.a. ABILITY OF A FIRM TO ENGAGE IN DOWNSTREAM STAGE OF THE VALUE CHAIN IN A HOST COUNTRYb. DIRECT HANDS-ON MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN ASSETSc. INVESTMENT IN A PORTFOLIO OF FOREIGN SECURITIES THAT DO NOT ENTAIL THE ACTIVE MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN ASSETSd. AMOUNT OF FDI MOVING IN A GIVEN PERIOD IN A CERTAIN DIRECTION A clean floating exchange rate policy is a government policy to _____.a. SET EXCHANGE RATES PURELY ON THE BASIS OF SUPPLY AND DEMANDb. LINK THE EXCHANGE RATE OF A CURRENCY TO THE GOLD STANDARDc. ALLOW A CURRENCY’S VALUE TO FLUCTUATE ACCORDING TO THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATEd. ALLOW SELECTIVE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION IN DETERMINING THE EXCHANGE RATE MNEs possession and leveraging of certain valuable rare hard-to-imitate and organizationally embedded (VRIO) assets overseas in the context of FDI refer to _____.a. LOCATIONb. OWNERSHIPc. MARKET IMPERFECTIONSd. INTERNALIZATION In a(n) ____ members coordinate and harmonize monetary fiscal and taxation policies.a. CUSTOMS UNIONb. FREE TRADE AREAc. ECONOMIC UNIONd. COMMON MARKET Factor endowment is _____.a. THE AMOUNT OF CHANGE THAT PATTERNS OF TRADE UNDERGO OVER TIMEb. THE DEGREE TO WHICH THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWS FREE TRADE TO EXIST IN ITS INTERNATIONAL TRADEc. THE COST OF PURSUING ONE ACTIVITY AT THE EXPENSE OF ANOTHER GIVEN ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITYd. THE EXTENT TO WHICH DIFFERENT COUNTRIES POSSESS VARIOUS FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Harton a car manufacturer based in UK only assembles cars and does not manufacture components in the UK. But in France Harton enters into components manufacturing through FDI. Harton’s investment in France would be an example of a(n) _____.a. FPIb. UPSTREAM VERTICAL FDIc. DOWNSTREAM VERTICAL FDId. HORIZONTAL FDI The fixing of East and West Germanys currencies at a 1:1 ratio to each other during the German unification in 1990 is an example of a _____.a. TARGET EXCHANGE RATE POLICYb. FLOATING RATE POLICYc. MANAGED FLOAT RATE POLICYd. FIXED EXCHANGE RATE POLICY In the context of tariff barriers deadweight costs = _____.a. TOTAL INEFFICIENCY – NET LOSSb. NET LOSS – NET GAINc. TOTAL INEFFICIENCY – NET GAINd. TOTAL INEFFICIENCY – NET GAIN – NET LOSS The WTO differs from “GATT 1948” in that the WTO _____.a. HAS NO MECHANISM TO SETTLE MEMBER DISPUTESb. HAS PROVISIONS THAT ALLOWS MEMBERS TO REVIEW OTHER MEMBERS’ TRADE POLICIESc. HAS TRADE IN SERVICES AS ITS PRIMARY TRADE FOCUSd. HAS NO RULES GOVERNING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS If the forward rate of the euro per dollar is higher than the spot rate the euro has a _____.a. HIGH SPREADb. LOW SPREADc. FORWARD PREMIUMd. FORWARD DISCOUNT Inspired by the EU’s success ASEAN set up an FTA called _____ in 1992.a. CAFTAb. ACFTAc. AFTAd. NAFTA The EU is an example of a(n) ____.a. COMMON MARKETb. FREE TRADE AREAc. CUSTOMS UNIONd. ECONOMIC UNION The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) expanded considerably into a multilateral trading system called _____.a. EUb. UNc. NAFTAd. WTO Between 1870 and 1914 the value of most major currencies was maintained by fixing their prices in terms of _____.a. DOLLARb. GOLDc. DIAMONDSd. YUAN A free trade area _____.a. COORDINATES AND HARMONIZES ECONOMIC POLICIES IN ORDER TO BLEND THEIR ECONOMIES INTO A SINGLE ECONOMIC ENTITYb. PERMITS THE FREE MOVEMENT OF GOODS AND PEOPLE AMONG MEMBER NATIONSc. COMPRISES A GROUP OF COUNTRIES THAT REMOVE TRADE BARRIERS AMONG THEMSELVESd. IMPOSES COMMON EXTERNAL POLICIES ON NONPARTICIPANTS IN ORDER TO COMBAT TRADE DIVERSION In foreign exchange a(n) _____ is said to have occurred when investors move in the same direction at the same time like a herd.a. BANDWAGON EFFECTb. POSITIVE CORRELATIONc. EDGE EFFECTd. PLACEBO EFFECT A firm establishing a manufacturing plant in a foreign country due to the cheap labor costs in that country is an example of the _____ advantage that the firm enjoys.a. LOCATIONb. EXTERNALIZATIONc. OWNERSHIPd. INTERNALIZATION A(n) _____ refers to an industry dominated by a small number of players.a. OLIGOPOLYb. MONOPOLYc. PERFECT COMPETITIONd. FREE MARKET Firms prefer FDI to licensing because FDI_____.a. INCREASES THE CHANCES OF OPPORTUNISM WHEN DEALING WITH A HOST NATION ENTITYb. REQUIRES COMPLETE DISSEMINATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL KNOW-HOW TO HOST NATION ENTITYc. PROTECTS THE FIRM FROM ECONOMIC AGGLOMERATIONd. PROVIDES THE FIRM WITH DIRECT OWNERSHIP TO ITS FOREIGN ASSETS A(n) _____ refers to a group of countries that use a common currency.a. TRADE UNIONb. POLITICAL UNIONc. CUSTOMS UNIONd. MONETARY UNION Protectionism is similar to mercantilism as they both advocated _____.a. DIVIDING THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD INTO THREE CATEGORIES BASED ON ITS INNOVATION CAPABILITIESb. DEVELOPING COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES BASED ON A NATION’S LOCALLY ABUNDANT FACTORSc. SPECIALIZING IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN WHICH A NATION CAN HAVE AN ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGEd. GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE If Apple invests in iPhone dealerships in Asia but does not engage in distribution in the United States (Apple’s host country) then Apple’s Asian investment would be considered a(n) _____.a. UPSTREAM VERTICAL FDIb. FPIc. HORIZONTAL FDId. DOWNSTREAM VERTICAL FDI The _____ was a multilateral agreement created in 1948 governing the international trade of goods (merchandise).a. EUb. UNc. WTOd. GATT In the context of NTBs _____ are bureaucratic rules that make it harder to import foreign goods.a. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIESb. DEREGULATION POLICIESc. LOCAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTSd. VERS Deadweight costs are net losses that occur when _____ are imposed.a. LOCAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTSb. VOLUNTARY EXPORT RESTRAINTSc. IMPORT QUOTASd. IMPORT TARIFFS Import quotas are a type of _____.a. ANTIDUMPING DUTYb. VOLUNTARY EXPORT RESTRAINTc. NONTARIFF BARRIERd. TARIFF BARRIER A manager arguing against currency hedging would most likely argue that _____.a. CURRENCY HEDGING DECREASES STABILITY OF CASH FLOWS AND EARNINGSb. CURRENCY HEDGING IS MAINLY A PRACTICE OF VERY LARGE MNESc. CURRENCY HEDGING EATS INTO COMPANY PROFITSd. CURRENCY HEDGING LEAVES FIRMS AT THE MERCY OF THE SPOT MARKET A trade _____ is an economic condition in which a nation imports more than it exports.a. EMBARGOb. VERc. SURPLUSd. DEFICIT Knowledge spillover refers to _____.a. THE RISK ASSOCIATED WITH UNAUTHORIZED DIFFUSION OF FIRM-SPECIFIC KNOW-HOWb. A VIOLATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND IP RIGHTS SECURED BY A COPYRIGHTc. KNOWLEDGE DIFFUSED FROM ONE FIRM TO OTHERS AMONG CLOSELY LOCATED FIRMSd. THE IMPERFECT RULES GOVERNING INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS In which of the following types of economic integration systems will the establishment of a common currency be possible?a. CUSTOMS UNIONb. ECONOMIC UNIONc. FREE TRADE AREAd. COMMON MARKET NAFTA is an example of a(n) _____.a. ECONOMIC UNIONb. FREE TRADE AREAc. COMMON MARKETd. CUSTOMS UNION The bandwagon effect is an example of the way _____ directly affects foreign exchange rates.a. EXCHANGE RATE POLICYb. INVESTOR PSYCHOLOGYc. PURCHASING POWER PARITYd. BALANCE OF PAYMENTS The Euro is currently used in _____.a. ALL EUROPEAN COUNTRIESb. ALL EU MEMBER COUNTRIESc. SCHENGEN COUNTRIES ONLYd. 18 EU COUNTRIES If a firm engages in final assembly in its home operations then which of the following operations of the firm in a foreign country would be considered a downstream vertical FDI?a. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTb. COMPONENTS PROCUREMENTc. MARKETINGd. FINAL ASSEMBLY OLI advantages refer to a firm’s quest for _____via FDI.a. OLIGOPOLISTIC ADVANTAGES LAISSEZ-FAIRE ADVANTAGES AND INTRAFIRM TRADE ADVANTAGESb. OUTSOURCING ADVANTAGES LICENSING ADVANTAGES AND IMPORTING ADVANTAGESc. OWNERSHIP ADVANTAGES LOCATION ADVANTAGES AND INTERNALIZATION ADVANTAGESd. ORGANIZATION ADVANTAGES LEADERSHIP ADVANTAGES AND INNOVATION ADVANTAGES Government’s confiscation of foreign assets is known as _____.a. OBSOLESCING BARGAINSb. EXPROPRIATIONc. SUNK COSTSd. CONFLICTING INTERESTS Costs that a firm has to endure even when its investment turns out to be unsatisfactory are referred to as _____.a. SWITCHING COSTSb. REPLACEMENT COSTSc. COST OVERRUNSd. SUNK COSTS A _____ is the price of one currency such as the dollar in terms of another such as the euro.a. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATEb. COMMODITIES EXCHANGE RATEc. STOCK EXCHANGE INDEXd. SECURITIES MARKET RATE In Round Two of FDI negotiation process between MNEs and host governments _____.a. THE PREVIOUS DEAL BECOMES OBSOLETEb. THE MNE IS NOT WILLING TO ENTER IN THE ABSENCE OF SOME GOVERNMENT ASSURANCEc. THE GOVERNMENT MAY DEMAND RENEGOTIATIONS OF THE DEALd. THE MNE ENTERS THE HOST MARKET AND EARNS PROFITS By trying to be self-sufficient and producing a wide range of goods _____ policies reduce the wealth of a nation in the long run.a. ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGEb. LAISSEZ FAIREc. FREE TRADEd. MERCANTILIST FPI refers to the _____.a. ABILITY OF A FIRM TO ENGAGE IN DOWNSTREAM STAGE OF THE VALUE CHAIN IN A HOST COUNTRYb. DIRECT HANDS-ON MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN ASSETSc. INVESTMENT IN A PORTFOLIO OF FOREIGN SECURITIES THAT DO NOT ENTAIL THE ACTIVE MANAGEMENT OF FOREIGN ASSETSd. AMOUNT OF FDI MOVING IN A GIVEN PERIOD IN A CERTAIN DIRECTION A clean floating exchange rate policy is a government policy to _____.a. SET EXCHANGE RATES PURELY ON THE BASIS OF SUPPLY AND DEMANDb. LINK THE EXCHANGE RATE OF A CURRENCY TO THE GOLD STANDARDc. ALLOW A CURRENCY’S VALUE TO FLUCTUATE ACCORDING TO THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATEd. ALLOW SELECTIVE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION IN DETERMINING THE EXCHANGE RATE MNEs possession and leveraging of certain valuable rare hard-to-imitate and organizationally embedded (VRIO) assets overseas in the context of FDI refer to _____.a. LOCATIONb. OWNERSHIPc. MARKET IMPERFECTIONSd. INTERNALIZATION In a(n) ____ members coordinate and harmonize monetary fiscal and taxation policies.a. CUSTOMS UNIONb. FREE TRADE AREAc. ECONOMIC UNIONd. COMMON MARKET Factor endowment is _____.a. THE AMOUNT OF CHANGE THAT PATTERNS OF TRADE UNDERGO OVER TIMEb. THE DEGREE TO WHICH THE GOVERNMENT ALLOWS FREE TRADE TO EXIST IN ITS INTERNATIONAL TRADEc. THE COST OF PURSUING ONE ACTIVITY AT THE EXPENSE OF ANOTHER GIVEN ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITYd. THE EXTENT TO WHICH DIFFERENT COUNTRIES POSSESS VARIOUS FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Harton a car manufacturer based in UK only assembles cars and does not manufacture components in the UK. But in France Harton enters into components manufacturing through FDI. Harton’s investment in France would be an example of a(n) _____.a. FPIb. UPSTREAM VERTICAL FDIc. DOWNSTREAM VERTICAL FDId. HORIZONTAL FDI The fixing of East and West Germanys currencies at a 1:1 ratio to each other during the German unification in 1990 is an example of a _____.a. TARGET EXCHANGE RATE POLICYb. FLOATING RATE POLICYc. MANAGED FLOAT RATE POLICYd. FIXED EXCHANGE RATE POLICY In the context of tariff barriers deadweight costs = _____.a. TOTAL INEFFICIENCY – NET LOSSb. NET LOSS – NET GAINc. TOTAL INEFFICIENCY – NET GAINd. TOTAL INEFFICIENCY – NET GAIN – NET LOSS The WTO differs from “GATT 1948” in that the WTO _____.a. HAS NO MECHANISM TO SETTLE MEMBER DISPUTESb. HAS PROVISIONS THAT ALLOWS MEMBERS TO REVIEW OTHER MEMBERS’ TRADE POLICIESc. HAS TRADE IN SERVICES AS ITS PRIMARY TRADE FOCUSd. HAS NO RULES GOVERNING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS If the forward rate of the euro per dollar is higher than the spot rate the euro has a _____.a. HIGH SPREADb. LOW SPREADc. FORWARD PREMIUMd. FORWARD DISCOUNT Inspired by the EU’s success ASEAN set up an FTA called _____ in 1992.a. CAFTAb. ACFTAc. AFTAd. NAFTA The EU is an example of a(n) ____.a. COMMON MARKETb. FREE TRADE AREAc. CUSTOMS UNIONd. ECONOMIC UNION The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) expanded considerably into a multilateral trading system called _____.a. EUb. UNc. NAFTAd. WTO Between 1870 and 1914 the value of most major currencies was maintained by fixing their prices in terms of _____.a. DOLLARb. GOLDc. DIAMONDSd. YUAN A free trade area _____.a. COORDINATES AND HARMONIZES ECONOMIC POLICIES IN ORDER TO BLEND THEIR ECONOMIES INTO A SINGLE ECONOMIC ENTITYb. PERMITS THE FREE MOVEMENT OF GOODS AND PEOPLE AMONG MEMBER NATIONSc. COMPRISES A GROUP OF COUNTRIES THAT REMOVE TRADE BARRIERS AMONG THEMSELVESd. IMPOSES COMMON EXTERNAL POLICIES ON NONPARTICIPANTS IN ORDER TO COMBAT TRADE DIVERSION In foreign exchange a(n) _____ is said to have occurred when investors move in the same direction at the same time like a herd.a. BANDWAGON EFFECTb. POSITIVE CORRELATIONc. EDGE EFFECTd. PLACEBO EFFECT A firm establishing a manufacturing plant in a foreign country due to the cheap labor costs in that country is an example of the _____ advantage that the firm enjoys.a. LOCATIONb. EXTERNALIZATIONc. OWNERSHIPd. INTERNALIZATION A(n) _____ refers to an industry dominated by a small number of players.a. OLIGOPOLYb. MONOPOLYc. PERFECT COMPETITIONd. FREE MARKET Firms prefer FDI to licensing because FDI_____.a. INCREASES THE CHANCES OF OPPORTUNISM WHEN DEALING WITH A HOST NATION ENTITYb. REQUIRES COMPLETE DISSEMINATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL KNOW-HOW TO HOST NATION ENTITYc. PROTECTS THE FIRM FROM ECONOMIC AGGLOMERATIONd. PROVIDES THE FIRM WITH DIRECT OWNERSHIP TO ITS FOREIGN ASSETS A(n) _____ refers to a group of countries that use a common currency.a. TRADE UNIONb. POLITICAL UNIONc. CUSTOMS UNIONd. MONETARY UNION Protectionism is similar to mercantilism as they both advocated _____.a. DIVIDING THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD INTO THREE CATEGORIES BASED ON ITS INNOVATION CAPABILITIESb. DEVELOPING COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES BASED ON A NATION’S LOCALLY ABUNDANT FACTORSc. SPECIALIZING IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN WHICH A NATION CAN HAVE AN ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGEd. GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE

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