1. The original Binet-Simon scale was developed to help assess the needs of students after the French government mandated education for all children. The scale’s developers used everyday tasks that related to the developmental levels of students’ ages. Binet-Simon developed the original scale to reflect the following positions except:

a. scores were used to identify children who needed additional assistance

b. scores were not intended to be used to identify children as incapable

c. scores were not used to support any theory or intellect or define an innate/permanent ability

d. scores were used to determine an intelligence quotient

2. After World War I schools began to use _______________ tests, which covered more material, allowed peer comparisons and were less subjective to identify students who may have an educational problem.

a. intelligence Quotient

b. standardized achievement

c. essay writing

d. behavioral

3. How did David Wechsler’s test differ from previous intelligence assessments?

a. It measured both verbal and nonverbal ability

b. It measured student achievement

c. It measured the potential of a student

d. It measured innate or permanent ability

4. A child you are working with is struggling in school; they cannot seem to grasp the material you are teaching. The child’s intelligence is of average ability; it is decided that this child has a learning disability. Of the following responses, what is the best way you could explain the cause of a learning disability to a parent?

a. It is caused by a personality dis

b. It is caused by limitations in linguistic, auditory, and/or visual dysfunction

c. It is caused by low motivation

d. It is caused by deafness, blindness or other processing impairments

5. A student who is legally blind is being evaluated for special education. The student was given an achievement and IQ test in the same manner as students who are not blind. The results showed that the student was below average in achievement and cognitively disabled. None of the people on the student’s IEP team had knowledge about children who are blind. The parents say that the results cannot be accurate and that the IEP should be invalid. What court case ruling backs the parents thinking?

a. Debra P. v. Turlington

b. Bonnadonna v Cooperman

c. Larry P. v Riles

d. Brown v. Board of Education

6. A school has evaluated a child for special education services. They determined that the student qualified; however, they used the same IEP that they have used for previous students and did not base it off the needs that arose during assessment. What right of the student has been violated?

a. Right to a Free and Appropriate Education

b. Right to an IEP

c. Right to a 504 Plan

d. Right to transition services

7. Due to the No Child Left Behind Legislation states must develop and follow academic standards. According to the text, which of the following are schools not expected to do under NCLB?

a. Disaggregate state assessment data by specific population to follow progress of specific groups

b. Require all students to participate in state assessments to demonstrate academic proficiency

c. Use the results of the state tests for special education purposes

d. Teachers must provide high quality instruction that align with academic standards

8. A student with a disability is being considered for a change of placement due to disciplinary problems. According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act what must the school do?

a. Conduct a FBA and create a BIP

b. Create a BIP

c. Reevaluate

d. Do nothing and proceed with the change of placement

9. If a school is unable to contact a parent for an initial evaluation and they have documented their attempts, what are their options under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?

a. Nothing they must continue trying to contact the parents

b. A due process hearing

c. They can go ahead and evaluate

d. None of the above

10. According to the text, which of the following is not a use of classroom assessment?

a. To improve the teaching process and the resulting instructional decisions made by the teacher

b. To provide information to administrators on student growth and performance

c. To provide information to students on their improvement and progress during a learning event

d. To appraise and evaluate the quality of work produced during a learning event

11. Assessment can involve a variety of different procedures in the classroom that collect student evidence. True False

12. According to the text, the RTI approach recognizes and emphasizes the instruction-intervention delivery along three primary paths, which include all but one of the following:

a. use of effective daily instruction for all students and documentation of their learning progress

b. use of progress monitoring and screening tools to identify the students who need increased instructional time

c. use of individual instruction for those who require direct one-one instruction and feedback

d. use of small group instruction for those who need more practice and instruction to develop specific skills

13. No Child Left Behind requires the use of scientifically based and supported strategies be used in the classroom for both general instructional purposes as well as for intervention.

True False

14. A teacher has been designing a test for her history class to assess student knowledge of World War II. A colleague has pre-read the directions and questions. She has provided a mixture of multiple choice, true/false, matching and essay questions totaling 75 questions to assess student knowledge. The class will receive 30 minutes to complete the test. What is the primary problem connected with the administration of this test?

a. Assessment bias

b. Adequate completion time

c. Teacher review and construction

d. Student confidentiality

15. You should not expose students to the kinds of assessment activities and measures that are used in formal assessment.

True False

16. A group of teachers are discussing their students’ test scores on a recent statewide exam. They are talking about who had the lowest scores and who scored the highest in each of their classes. The teachers are not connected to the other teachers’ students in anyway. What element of classroom ethics are these teachers breaking?

a. Confidentiality

b. Competence

c. Fairness

d. Non-biased assessment

17. Scaffolding is the process of

a. assisting students in developing new ideas

b. figuring out where a child is at and will learn best

c. connecting instruction to existing levels to help students move on to the next level

d. making sure instruction is supporting student needs

18. How is the RTI model similar to the 4 essential components of assessment?

a. Both use continuous collection and review of assessment data

b. Both use assessment to inform instructional decisions

c. Both are used by special education teachers only

d. Both a and c

e. Both a and b

19. During the course of teaching your learning objectives, you are unable to cover all of the ones you hoped to. What should you do to ensure you maintain learning-instruction-assessment alignment?

a. Alter your assessment to reflect what students learned

b. Create new objectives for the unit

c. Do nothing and give students the test as planned

d. Allow students “free points” for the test items that you were unable to cover

20. The and state academic content standards set the standards for what is required and expected for each student to learn and the configuration of the curriculum guide details the skill sets that the students should know and demonstrate as they progress through each grade level.

a. national; district

b. district; grade

c. national; grade

d. district; teacher

21. A teacher only needs to know and understand the learning outcomes of the grade that they teach. True False

22. Which is not a knowledge domain in the revised taxonomy?

a. Factual Knowledge

b. Procedural Knowledge

c. Meta-Cognitive Knowledge

d. Analyzing Knowledge

23. A government teacher would like the students in the class to know the first 10 amendments and how they influence individual rights. What knowledge domains is this objective tapping?

a. Factual and Meta-cognitive

b. Meta-cognitive and Procedural

c. Procedural and Conceptual

d. Factual and Conceptual

24. What is reliability?

a. Ability to present the test in a similar manner each time

b. Ability to evidence consistent results as part of a measurement procedure

c. Ability to design the test consistently

d. Ability to determine if test measure what it should


25. RTI is a general education initiative. True False

26. A student who has been in Tier 2 interventions for 4 weeks has made very little progress. What could potentially be done?

a. Problem solving meeting to determine if other factors should be considered

b. Problem solving meeting to determine if the intervention should be changed

c. Qualify the student for special education services

d. a & b

e. None of the above

27. A teacher comes to you and is wondering if it is really important to say the instructions as is for the CBM probes that they are using. The teacher feels like they are repetitive and unnecessary. According to the text, what is a reason the teacher should continue to use the standardized instruction procedures?

a. To make sure students understand what to do

b. To ensure high rates of reliability and validity

c. To maintain treatment integrity

d. None of the above

28. The special education teacher noticed that Katie, who was in a Tier 2 intervention, was improving after the first 2 weeks of intervention by analyzing the progress monitoring data. What feature of CBMs allows them to be sensitive to student progress?

a. The reliability of the tests

b. It is a type of formative assessment

c. The standardized instructions and procedures of the test

d. Multiple forms of the test that possess equal difficulty levels

29. A RTI system using CBM identifies students for Tier II and III interventions by using a _____________ model; while, the ____________ model identifies students for services by assessing intelligence and academic achievement to look for large differences between the two.

a. traditional discrepancy; intelligence

b. dual-discrepancy; intelligence

c. dual-discrepancy; traditional discrepancy

d. traditional discrepancy; dual-discrepancy

30. Nick who has been in Tier II interventions has made little progress with the math computation skills he has been working on. The problem solving team is meeting to decide what would the next step should be for Nick. Which of the following is not a decision the team would likely come to:

a. increase the intensity of the intervention

b. change the intervention

c. stop the intervention process completely

d. stop the intervention and evaluate for special education

31. Billy Joe has scored below average on CBM measures that were given to her. She also has a slower than average rate of progress compared to peers. This information leads her teachers to decide that she needs intervention. What type of model is described?

a. Normative Model

b. RTI model

c. Reference Model

d. Dual-discrepancy Model

32. After a teacher sets a goal for a student, the progress monitoring scores are entered into a graph. On the graph there is a(n) _____________ that indicates the trajectory of the child’s scores should take to meet the goal.

a. aim line

b. board line

c. goal line0

d. baseline

33. The school team has qualified a student for a specific learning disability after trying multiple evidence-based interventions and examining progress monitoring data. A teacher that the student works with is unsure that this is enough information to determine if the student has a learning disability. What law states that this is an acceptable method to qualify a student for services?

a. Individuals with Disabilities Educational Improvement Act (2004)

b. Free Appropriate Public Education

c. Least Restrictive Environment

d. No Child Left Behind

34. A student who exhibits characteristics of autism after the age of three that impacts their educational performance does not qualify for services according to IDEIA.

True False

35. A student is being evaluated for services under the category of emotional disabilities. Which of the following factors would the student NOT need to display for a prolonged period of time in to qualify the student?

a. The student expresses inappropriate behavior under normal circumstances

b. The student has the inability to develop relationships with peers and teachers

c. The student has developed a phobia in regards to school

d. The student has delays in verbal and nonverbal communication

36. A new student has moved into the district without any paperwork from a prior school. Teachers are concerned about some of the behaviors the student is displaying as well as their difficulty with the academic work that is given to them. They have told you that the student has a very hard time with the everyday routine of the classroom, sudden changes within the classroom, and extremely loud noises. Upon hearing these behaviors, what is your initial thought on what disability category the student will most likely qualify under after a comprehensive assessment is completed?

a. Emotional Disabilities

b. Developmental Disability

c. Autism

d. Cognitive Disability

37. A student has been evaluated for a cognitive disability. The intelligence test revealed a score that was significantly below average. What other area needs to be assessed to determine if the student has a cognitive disability?

a. Adaptive Behavior

b. Communication

c. Gross Motor Skills

d. Fine Motor Skills

38. What is the first step when a child has been referred to an Intervention Assistance Team?

a. Problem Analysis

b. Brainstorm interventions

c. Problem Identification

d. Implementation Plan

39. A child has been referred to you for an evaluation. You suspect that the child may have problems with hearing based on conversations that you have had with teachers and your own interactions with him. What type of assessment must be conducted in to qualify for special education under deafness or hearing impairment?

a. Intelligence Assessment

b. Audiological Assessment

c. Achievement Assessment

d. Language Assessment

40. A student who is an English Language Learner (ELL) has been referred to you. A verbal intelligence test revealed that the student has a below normal IQ. Is this an appropriate use of the test?

a. Yes, a verbal intelligence test is always accurate, no matter if the student is ELL or not

b. No, but there are no other tests that are deemed appropriate to measure ELL student intelligence

c. Yes, a verbal intelligence test will provide slightly inaccurate scores, but not enough to cause concern

d. No, a verbal intelligence test may measure an ELL student’s understanding of the language

41. Diana v. California Board of Education (1970) ruled in favor of all except:

a. Tests must be given in native language and English

b. Culturally biased items must be removed from tests

c. If IQ tests are used for decision-making, then they must reflect native language

d. The Americans with Disabilities Act

42. There are 13 categories under which students with disabilities can be served.

True False

43. The case of Larry P. V Riles (1979) resulted in.

a. Lead paint was removed from schools

b. All students must take second language classes

c. Intelligence tests were changed and altered to remove sources of bias

d. None of the above

44. Pre-assessment is ________________________.

a. An overview of what will be covered

b. Adjusting teaching based on the results of assessment findings

c. Confirming what the students know and can do prior to the beginning of the instruction

d. Going off target from the intended instructional path

45.__________________ need to be shared with students so they know what they are expected to learn and be able to do once instruction is finished.

a. Legislative mandates

b. Outcomes

c. Adjustments

d. Processing

46. A special education teacher must have which of the following:

a. A well designed assessment system

b. Professional and ethical decision making

c. Strong instructional program

d. All of the above

47. To maximize learning accomplishments and to ensure that students acquire and demonstrate academic success in the classroom, _____________ and ______________ must go hand in hand.

a. Content and Application

b. Knowledge and Usage

c. Science and Math

d. Instruction and Assessment

48. Which of the following is NOT a cognitive processing domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy?

a. Education

b. Knowledge

c. Comprehension

d. Application

49. Reliability is the essential aspect of an instrument measuring what it is supposed to as well as the ability to make appropriate interpretations based on the data collected.

True False

50. A type or form of reliability that impacts educational decisions:

a. Item

b. Alternate Form

c. Yield

d. Stop-Gap

51. The following federal law gave rise to Response to Intervention (RtI).

a. Individual with Disabilities Education (Improvement) Act

b. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

c. Education for All Handicapped Children Act

d. American with Disabilities Act

52. ________________ is a specific instruction program or strategy that is research based or reflects scientifically validated practices in teaching.

a. Delivery model

b. Implementation paradigm

c. Evidence-based intervention

d. Effective general approach

53. A set of standardized, brief tests that are part of Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) are also called

a. Development

b. Probes

c. Comparison

d. T-Scales

54. The following disability category requires identification by medical professionals and is considered low incidence

a. Specific Learning Disabilities

b. Emotional Behavioral Disabilities

c. Language Impaired

d. Deaf-Blindness

55. Once a student is referred for a comprehensive evaluation with written consent from the parent, the district has ___________ calendar days to complete the evaluation.

a. 45

b. 70

c. 60

d. 30

56. Reevaluation must be completed every ______ years.

a. 3

b. 5

c. 2

d. 10

57. For an end of the term project a teacher has designed a rubric for her students so that they can check to ensure that all of the required elements are present in the project. In this scenario what assessment purpose is the rubric serving?

a. Formative

b. Summative

c. Self-Assessment

d. Evaluative

58. Depending on its selected purpose, a test can be used as a summative, formative or self-assessment. True False

59. According to the text, tests are the preferred measure of summative assessment. Which of the reasons below is not one provided in the text as to why tests are the preferred summative assessment measure?

a. Time restrictions for evaluation

b. Historically they have been the preferred measure

c. Ease of administration

d. Consistency is not necessary

60. Selected response items require students to generate a response. True False

61-66. Match the type of test item to the description below

a. Multiple Choice

b. True/False

c. Matching

d. Essay

e. Fill in the Blank

f. Short Answer

· Allows basic terms, vocabulary or other information to be aligned with corresponding definitions or functions, based on an existing relationship:

· A full range of knowledge, from lower level to higher level, can be covered in this easy to grade format:

· Respondent determines whether information provided is accurate or inaccurate:

· Question statements provide the context relative to missing items

· Designed to require specific and detailed student responses that reflect all levels of knowledge retention and skill demonstration:

· A question is asked and a short response is required:

67. In a history class, the teacher is having students write in a journal to reflect back on what they learned in class and what they don’t understand still. The teacher is collecting the journal weekly to see where students are at and to assist in documenting where students are at. What type of assessment is this considered and what kind of response item beyond the classroom test would this be considered?

a. Self-Assessment; Written Construction

b. Formative Assessment; Written Construction

c. Formative Assessment; Visual Construction

d. Summative Assessment; Written Construction

68. A teacher wishes to plan services for a student who is struggling. What must be done in to plan effective services for this student?

a. Utilize diagnostic information to pinpoint problems

b. Ensure the student has the necessary prerequisite skills

c. Conduct an intelligence test

d. Both a and b

e. Both a and c

69. According to the text, intelligence as a construct is broadly defined as:

a. Ability to learn through the interactions with the environment

b. Ability to learn and modify one’s behavior through the use of various cognitive processing and language based skills

c. Ability to modify one’s behavior through the interactions with their environment

d. Ability to learn language and cognitive processing skills

70. A teacher wants to administer a group intelligence test. What is one thing you may say to her to dissuade her from doing so?

a. When group tests are administered they do not provide accurate enough information to be used in designing instruction

b. When group tests are administered you do not have the ability to assess all students’ thinking, processing, and general understanding

c. When group tests are administered the information obtained from them is not useful when general information is needed

d. When group tests are utilized the teacher would be unable to monitor students’ performance on the test

71. Different intelligence measures or tests provide the same information.

True False

72. A teacher asks you what the difference is between crystallized and fluid intelligence; what could you say to them?

a. Crystallized intelligence is stable and fluid intelligence is not

b. Crystallized intelligence is more related to general intelligence than fluid

c. Crystallized intelligence reflects acquired knowledge and fluid intelligence reflects a person’s ability to learn more information

d. Crystallized intelligence reflects acquired knowledge/acculturation and fluid intelligence reflects cognitive reasoning skills

73. Intelligence assessments are typically interpreted in a 3-tiered hierarchical model. What is this model?

a. General intelligence, fluid and crystallized intelligence, constructs the test measures are interpreted

b. General intelligence, constructs the test measures are interpreted, fluid and crystallized intelligence

c. General intelligence, general aptitude, relation to each other

d. General intelligence, processing speed, and working memory

74. What area is not measured by adaptive behavior scales?

a. Conceptual Skills

b. Social Skills

c. Practical Skills

d. Thinking Skills

75. A student in your class has been struggling with how to take care of themselves in your classroom. They have also been unsuccessful in making friends and they have been struggling academically. Test results show that the student is low in both cognitive and adaptive skills areas. From this information what can you conclude about this student?

a. They are a student who has an emotional disturbance

b. They are a student who has a learning disability

c. They are a student who has a cognitive disability

d. They are a student who has adjustment problems

76. A 10 year old student you are working with is hard of hearing. He has been struggling in the classroom and you are unsure why. You have requested that school personnel assess the student’s cognitive abilities. Which test are they likely to use with your student?

a. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children IV

b. Universal Nonverbal Test of Intelligence

c. Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities

d. Differential Ability Scales II

77-80. Match the four index measures of the WISC IV to what they assess:

a. Verbal Comprehension Index

b. Perceptual Reasoning Index

c. Working Memory Index

d. Processing Speed Index

_________ examines a child’s mental processing speed and work output

_________ involves verbal abilities and skills and examines reasoning, concept formation and comprehension

_________ examines a student’s capabilities in the areas of general attention, working memory and concentration

_________ examines organization and perceptual reasoning

81. When students directly and independently monitor their learning and make appropriate learning adjustments.

a. Confirm and Enhance Assessment

b. Self-Assessment

c. Summative Assessment

d. Instructional Component Assessment

82. This type of assessment is usually demonstrated in the form of a mark, grade or points that is officially recorded for a student.

a. Confirm and Enhance Assessment

b. Self-Assessment

c. Summative Assessment

d. Instructional Component Assessment

83. Two recognized multiple-choice forms are _______________ and ________________.

a. Direct Question and Incomplete Statement

b. True and False

c. Matching and Sorting

d. Item and Test

84. Building a good test involves test development, construction, administration and review.

True False

85-87. When information is collected about a student, it needs to reflect multiple sources of data about that student. Name 3 examples of sources of student data.

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

88. All of the following are commonly administered Adaptive Behavior Scales EXCEPT:

a. Vineland-II


c. SIB


89-91. Match the three adaptive behavior measures to what they assess:

a. Conceptual skills

b. Social skills

c. Self-help skills

________ Dressing, bathing, safety, home and domestic activities

________ Personal interactions, development, citizenship

________ Language, financial management, school-based skills

ESSAY (Maximum 3 points each)

Directions – Answer ALL parts of the question with appropriate punctuation, spelling and grammar.

1. Explain why Response to Intervention (RtI) is considered a general education initiative.

2. Identify and define the RtI Process and the Three Tier System.

3. What characteristics should a school have to truly embrace and be successful in the implementation of RtI?


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